Building a sustainable future that is aligned with global goals and Namibias Vision 2030


76&78 Frans Indongo Road
Windhoek West
Windhoek, Namibia
Office Line: +264 61 248 345
Email Address:

Our temporary office address:
Corner of Mozart Street and Hosea Kutako Drive (Old Nice Restaurant) Windhoek West


Swakopmund Office
6 Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakopmund
Tel: Contact head office

Lüderitz Office
90 Bay Road, Lüderitz Town Council Building
Tel: Contact head office

Khorixas Office
C39 Main road, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism Building
Tel: Contact head office

Nkurenkuru Office
Erf 547 Extension 2, Nkurenkuru
Tel: Contact head office

Rundu Office
Erf 1329, Industrial area, Rundu
Tel: Contact head office

Kongola Office
Shop no. 3, Zambezi Trans-Caprivi highway
Tel: Contact head office

Katima Mulilo Office
Ministry of Fisheries building, Katima Mulilo
Tel: Contact head office

Wildlife Crime Toll Free Number 55555

    Public Grievance Form

    We're sorry to hear about your experience. Please provide us with details of your complaint so that we can address it promptly.
    The field labelled (required) are mandatory.

    Date of Complaint (required)

    Project Concerned

    Complaint Type

    Other Complaint Type

    General Information
    Please enter your contact information and grievance. This information will be dealt with confidentially.
    Please note: If you wish to remain anonymous, please enter your comment/ grievance in the box below without indicating any contact information – your comments will still be considered.

    Personal Details
    Full Name of Person/Organisation reporting grievance (required)

    Gender (required)
    E-Mail (required)

    Anonymous submission? NoYes, Remain Anonymous

    Please mark how you wish to be contacted (Post Mail, Telephone, e-mail)
    via e-mailvia telephonevia post
    Please Provide Your Email Address(required)

    Please Provide Your Phone Number (required)

    Please provide your postal address

    Preferred language for communication
    Other, please specify

    Details of grievance
    Description of incident or grievance (What happened? Where did it happen? Who did it happen to? What is the result of the problem?)

    More details of incident/grievance
    How many times did the incident happened?
    One time incident/grievanceMore than once

    One time incident, the date it happened?

    If more than once, how many times?

    If on-going, currently experiencing problem?

    Attachment (If any) - less than 1MP Please

    Further Remarks
    What would you like to see happen to resolve the problem?

    Your submission response will be displayed below the submit button

      Support the NNF

      Thank you for your interest in supporting our mission. There are several meaningful ways you can make a difference:

      • Buy Local & Organic: Support local communities by purchasing locally-produced and organic food whenever possible.
      • Support Local Conservation Efforts: Learn about and contribute to the work of Namibian communities who are dedicated to environmental conservation.
      • Respect Community Land Rights: Show respect for the rights of communities on communal land and support joint ventures in tourism and nature-based enterprises.
      • Embrace the Complexity of Conservation: Conservation is often more complex than it seems, but by working together, we can achieve positive, lasting change.
      • Get Involved: If you have a specific interest or passion, let us know. We'll connect you with one of our amazing partners who are leading impactful initiatives.
      If you would like to support us through monetary value, feel free to reach out to us directly by sending us an email to Subject line: NNF Supporter