The EIS is a free, online information resource for Namibia. It is hoped that the EIS will become the "one-stop-shop" for public environmental information in Namibia, both through providing data directly and by providing links to other sources of information. The EIS already includes a large volume and variety of information and new information is being added on an ongoing basis.


Why do we need an EIS?
A lot of information exists which is currently not easily accessible. This includes literature, reports, GIS data and other environmental information. Often, finding out what information exists and then obtaining it is a long and time-consuming process. The EIS brings together data and information from a wide range of sources with a user-friendly search interface. Once you have searched for the information you require you can then download it for free, if it is available.


Who can use it?
Anyone with internet access can use the EIS. It will be of value to researchers, students, NGOs, government staff and more, both within Namibia and further afield.

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